Finally a Self Discovery Tool I Can Get Lost In

Been down the rabbit hole and still hooked.

Photo by Alex Antoniadis on Unsplash

Ever since I can remember, I have been in love with understanding the Self. It started as identifying so much with my Zodiac sign. Which paired with journaling and being introspective, led to interests in other personality assessments.

I believe that people think that aspects of our personality are always so obvious, and something that we just inherently know. And the truth is, we DO know. But sometimes we don’t, or we need to be reminded. In those instances, we seek out confirmation in different ways. We look for things to educate or reinforce the ideas we have about ourselves, or illuminate what we want to know.

And truthfully, most of us are always seeking. Sometimes it is even what we are supposed to be doing in this life. Because learning more and more about who we are, allows us to inspire others to do the same.

Needless to say, I am without a doubt, one of those people. The more I learn about myself, the more in alignment I am. I have tried everything, as I said, astrology, personality assessments, you name it.

Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Recently, I came into Human Design and have been studying it extensively for well over a year. Of all of the tools I use to better understand myself and others (which is a lot because I am a 1/3 profile), this has by far been the most insightful and beneficial to my life.

In Human Design, you are focused on your energetic imprint. How your energy shows up in the world, how you can best make decisions based on your energy type, what that energy type is, how certain aspects of our energy are more defined than others, and so much more. As a person who loves identifying life purpose, I love that I can also lean into identifying themes of life purpose through Human Design. Because we often want to say we have one purpose, but I believe it is more of an overall theme, which can be expressed in many ways.

So, again, as a Scholar. Part mystic, part logic. I also love the fact that Human Design is comprised of so many other tools such as Astrology, the Kabbalah, I -Ching, and Vedic philosophy. The insights that I have personally received and given to others have been eye opening. The hard part is actually implementing everything, something I am still working on too!

If you:

1) Are just curious about Human Design

2) Want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint

3) Want to identify or Confirm the theme of your life purpose

Then you should definitely get a Human Design reading! I, of course, offer this as a service because I am so passionate about the information that can be uncovered.

Copies of your Human Design body graph are available for free online several places, including:

Now for your reading, you do need to know your time of birth. If you are a client of mine, I do have a way to still conduct a reading if you do not have this information.

The Body Graph will tell you all of the information I mentioned. Your energy type, strategy, Incarnation Cross, Inner Authority, Channels, Gates. The problem is, you probably do not know what those things mean or are able to bring them together. If not, I can help with that!

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

As always, Self Discovery is my jam, and this is just another amazing layer I am happy to dive into. If you have had experience with Human Design, comment with your experience below. I’d love to hear other experiences.

Check out everything I’m into here ❤ :

Interested in Self Discovery tools or energy work? Check out the blog or check out my services here:

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