Life Hack for Human Design Generators

How to Navigate your Self and Not-Self Theme

As a Generator in Human Design, the contribution that we make to the rest of the world, is doing what Lights us up. When we are doing something that truly lights us up, we are in a consistent state of flow, as we generate loads of energy. This energy magnetically pulls in and energizes the world around us.

This is how we call in those things we need to respond to, which is our Strategy. So staying “lit up” is super important for our energy, well-being, and staying in the flow of utilizing our strategy by magnetizing things to call in.

But what I want to focus on today is something that is in my opinion, glossed over when we talk about Human Design. This is the aspect of the Self and Not-Self theme. As a Generator, you are operating in your “Self” theme, when you feel SATISFACTION. You are operating in your Not-Self theme when you feel FRUSTRATION.

This is super important, because this is a key indicator of whether or not you are allowing yourself to operate in your design. The feeling of satisfaction could be doing a task that made you feel satisfied simply because you completed it, engaging in a hobby that makes you feel fulfilled, having a career that you thoroughly enjoy and are fulfilled by. Many times, we feel as Generators that this is always referring to being satisfied with our jobs or life’s work. But this is not necessarily the case, although certainly, that does make up a large part of it. But there are also soooo many other ways to call in satisfaction.

I have discovered a “hack” for staying in the feeling of Satisfaction (for the most part). This hack is simply, prioritizing the things that make you feel satisfied at the start of your day. Preferably. If that’s not possible, at least create a list and do those things at some point each day. For example, what makes me feel satisfied is: Writing, Connecting with spirit/nature, Taking care of my family/home, and Contributing/Community. So, for me, I usually start my day with prayer or meditation. Then, after taking the kids to school, I prep the house in some way, maybe throwing a load of clothes in, straightening up. Then if I have time, I will write, whether it is an article like I am now, or in my journal. Contributing usually ties into writing, since I have to publish the article. But this for me, is also connecting to my community which can even be my family and friends.

If I do these things at the start of the day, I have already done all the things that give me the feeling of satisfaction. And I am less likely to feel frustrated by not having done those things. If I don’t have time for something, such as writing for example. At least I would have done 3 out of 4, and can possibly complete that at night. This drastically changes my energy at the end of the day in navigating those feelings of satisfaction. What used to happen is that I would just jump into work, not do the things that light me up or make me feel satisfied and end up feeling depleted and frustrated by the end of the day. This caused feelings of there not being enough time in the day to do the things I needed or wanted to do (which there definitely is)! But really, I just wasn’t prioritizing those things. Our not self-theme of Frustration is simply us just not prioritizing things that light us up.

So, let’s summarize this hack.

1) Reflect on what actually evokes the feeling of satisfaction within you.

2) Prioritize those things at the beginning of your day.

3) Reflect at the end of the day on which of those things you accomplished, and if not, do you still have time to complete the rest?

4) Take inventory of how you feel at the end of the day. Are you satisfied? Frustrated? Energized? Depleted?

Trust me, as a Generator myself, this has been a GAME CHANGER.

Know your satisfaction and PRIORITIZE it.

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