3 Simple Steps to Creating Sanctuary

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When I think back on every phase of my life, what always stands out is I how I felt in my spaces. How intentionally beautiful and peaceful the energy was. From getting my very first room by myself, no longer having to share with my brother, decorating in my Tweety Bird theme. To my first apartment, to my second first apartment, painting my bedroom wall metallic gold. To moving back into my mom’s basement and adding a decorative throw rug, shelving, and bedding to pull me out of a funk. To now, always decorating and finding ways to make my home rich with comfort and positive energy.

I realize now that what comes naturally to some, doesn’t always come so easy to others. In my life and progression as a Realtor and Property Manager, I’ve seen the inside of countless homes. It’s amazing to see how similar properties can look totally different inside. This is because of the person inhabiting the space.

I once had to walk a complex to complete inspections throughout the property. Since it was a complex of townhomes, these homes were roughly all the same layout and build. The difference was the interiors. I went into a home, and instantly saw that it was chaotic, dirty, and not well kept. There were clothes all over the floor, it didn’t look like it had been given a good cleaning in quite some time. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. But the neighboring home was immaculate. The tenant had us take off our shoes and wear booties. They had glass furniture and fixtures, the home was spotless, clean, and inviting. Two homes, same foundation, but totally different.

This was an eye opening experience for me because it taught me that 1) our experience in this life is truly in our hands. 2) our homes are what we make it. You can either have a sanctuary or a pigsty, your choice. 3) there are people in both categories.

The truth is, there can be many reasons a person may not be in the first group, mental health, busy lifestyles, or even not having a clue.

So here is what I have learned about the art of truly creating sanctuary in your space, and it’s only three steps.

1) Clean: I know what you are thinking, too easy. But that’s just the thing, it truly is. Clean your space. Make an effort to always have a clean space. Clean to me means free of clutter, every thing in its proper space, physically clean, as in sweep the floors, mop them, wipe things down, clean the toilets, etc. Create a routine of things you clean every day and things you take care of weekly or monthly. There are plenty of articles, suggestions on the best ways to do this if it seems overwhelming.

2) Curate: Part of having a sanctuary is that it means something special to you, it is your sacred space. One way to cultivate this sacred feeling is curating those things that are important and meaningful to you. Showcase your collections, lean into your personal aesthetic, express your personality, and really make your space, your space. This does not have to be expensive at all. Your local dollar store will even have cute decor to spruce up your place.

3) Cleanse: Whether you are big on energy or not, the truth is, that your space does hold energies and usually they are stagnant when we aren’t intentional. Light some candles, burn that incense, spray those air fresheners, circulate the air and cleanse that energy. I also offer virtual space clearings for this very reason.

What you’re left with is a sanctuary, a clean, curated, cleansed space. Like I mentioned, there was a time I moved back in with my mom. It wasn’t the goal or intention, but it’s what happened, like life often does. Just happens. So it wasn’t my apartment or home. But the rules here still applied. No matter where you are, you can create a sanctuary for yourself. Try using these steps, and see what they evolve into over time.

Talk soon <3


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