Eviction Moratorium Ban

As many of you know, recently the CDC eviction moratorium was lifted after several extensions. This was a major decision as many people will now be facing eviction during these trying times.

I find myself in an interesting position as I truly can understand both sides. If I were in a position to face eviction at this time, I would definitely feel like I was in between a rock and a hard place if I truly had no other options or assistance.

On the other hand, as also being in property management, I can speak to the fact that there are truly some people who have not paid their rent and incurred extremely high balances even before we paused evictions due to the pandemic. I see rental balances upwards of $11,000 dollars every day. I also have offered direction as far as rental assistance programs to several tenants who did not care to apply. And yes these programs are actively giving funds and back pay to tenants in need.

Also with this, I see first hand, many landlords struggling and drowning in the debt that comes with having a mortgage with non-paying tenants. While also still legally having to address repairs, etc.

So my stance on the moratorium lifting is really and truly in the middle. I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Do you think that evictions at this time is unfair to tenants? Do you think that landlords are suffering? Or do you think it’s just unfortunate for all involved? Drop your comment, I’d love to know! :)


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