How Do You Define Luxury?

Luxury in Real Estate is a hot topic. Everywhere you go, you see “luxury” listings and the marketing that comes along with it. But what does it really mean? Many times when we think of Luxury homes, we think of ones like in the picture. Big, beautiful, modern, and EXPENSIVE! The issue I take with some of this marketing is that I believe luxury means different things to different people. My idea of what luxury is could be totally different than yours. I am an advocate of luxury in all things, even, and especially in the mundane. I find that I tend to promote luxury in community. Many times we associate luxury with big trips and yachts like we see on the magazines. But I find that there are so many beautiful and wonderful things to do right in our own back yards. That’s just one example. This leads me to what luxury is to me. Luxury to me, is:

  1. Cleanliness: One of my favorite stories is of how one time I went to the Dominican Republic and the tour guide brought to our attention how small and tiny this home was, but pointed out that it was not dirty. In fact, it was spotless. He said that the mindset behind this was, “We may be poor, but we are not dirty.” This has ALWAYS stuck with me. Imagine knowing that you are poor, and have very little. But knowing that the space you do have is immaculate.

  2. Good energy/vibes: The energy of a thing is everything to me. If I walk into a luxury resort or space and the energy is still off, that’s not luxurious to me. I want to feel warm, cozy, and clear. I want to feel welcomed by the energy around me. That is a luxurious feeling to me.

  3. Security: Luxury to me is also security. The feeling of safety and support. This can also look like financial freedom and security. Or home ownership in itself which is the security of knowing that you own your home.

  4. No Limits: Having no limits on what I do with my space or in my life, is a tenet of luxury to me.

  5. Abundance: This is something else that can easily have multiple definitions depending on the person. For me abundance is a mindset that adds to my perception of luxury. Knowing that I always have all that I need, and not living from a space of lack, is luxury.

  6. Joy in the Mundane: This ties back to finding joy in our own back yards, but also extends to everything. Finding joy in the mundane things, and setting your home, space, and life up so that you always have something to be joyful about, is a luxury. If you know that smelling fresh flowers every morning allows you to ground and be grateful for the day, and you make sure you have fresh flowers every day. You are making space for this luxury in your life, everyday.

I think you see where I am going with this. And I hope this broadens your view on what is luxurious in your life. I once read that, “Luxury is not a price point, it’s a lifestyle.”

And I totally agree.


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