Sky is the Limit

One day I remember walking up the stairs and as I was walking, I was praying that whatever blocks I had that were preventing me from manifesting things I wanted, would come to light. Later that day I was listening to a podcast, one of my favorite things to do, and the host asked a question that finally gave me the answer.

The host asked, “What does the next level version of you believe about herself?”

I started thinking, and came up with my answer. But in that moment, I realized one thing I hadn’t believed about myself for so long, and that was that I deserved good things happening to me. As it pertained to receiving certain blessing and levels of success.

This belief that I carried wasn’t so much about feeling unworthy in things I felt about myself. But moreso, I didn’t believe that I deserved good things happening to me, because so many bad things were happening to other people. People I knew, people on the news, loved ones I had lost too early who wanted so much from life. And even as I write this, it’s still a trigger. It’s almost like why me? Why should I be able to carry on with my dreams when so many others can’t or couldn’t? Very much like survivors guilt.

In that moment I realized, this actually really has been affecting me and blocking my ability to receive. That had been my limiting belief all of this time. And even though that doesn’t mean the belief just vanished totally, it’s good to put a face on things that are untrue that may hold us back. This way we recognize them when they show up.

My life is my life, and my path is unique to me. It hurts to lose people, and it hurts to see people going through pain and struggle. But the best way to honor the gift of my life and the lives of others, is to live it and to receive the blessings God and my ancestors have for me.

There are so many limiting beliefs. Such as feeling unworthy, that you don’t deserve, that you don’t come from success, that your dreams won’t come true, that you’re not good enough, that other people are doing what you want to do, that there’s no room for your gifts.

And guess what? They are all lies.

These are fear based lies, that if we begin to believe, they will truly block us from receiving all that we have in store for us.

Drop your limiting beliefs in the comments, or just write them down somewhere, and reframe the way you think about this belief. Rewrite this belief as something the new level version of you, does NOT believe.

Knowing the thoughts that are really holding you back, is a great start to reshaping the way you think about yourself and your life <3


The Next Step


Finding Balance as a Dual Career Woman